Get Certified as a Community Education Trainer

Overdose Lifeline (ODL) developed Community Education Trainer Programs to provide resources and support for partners to conduct SUD and opioid focused training and prevention education in their local community. This is an effective solution for meeting sustainability goals and reaching multiple targeted sectors within a community.

Partners in all 50 U.S. States are Using Overdose Lifeline Programs to Build Knowledge and Competency on Core Substance Use Disorder Topics.

Overdose Lifeline is trusted by clinicians, professionals, and organizations in all 50 U.S. states to provide evidence-informed quality substance use disorder (SUD) education. 

Overdose Lifeline focused substance use disorder and opioid education has met education objectives for the partners such as the Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Navy, NIH National Institute of Drug Abuse, Health Departments, Schools, Colleges and Universities and 25,000+ clinicians and professionals.

Pricing. Training Process. Training Materials.

  • Program Pricing

    Program Training and Licensing Fees
    Vary by Program.

    Training Fee: $225 to $255/person

    Annual License Fee: $200/person or $400/group

    License provides 12-month access to training materials, technical support, updates, and online resource center.

    Group license provides access for two or more trainers within an organization.

    Multi-Program Discount Available.

  • Training Process

    The trainer, training process is highly accessible, allowing someone to complete the training online and deliver the program locally in a short amount of time.

    To earn trainer designation, individuals complete 2 online self-paced courses (pre-work, approximately 3-4 hours) and then a 60 minute program training session is scheduled via Zoom.

    Onsite Trainer, Training is available for an additional fee.

  • Program Materials

    The program materials available for download from the Presenter Resource Center supports delivery via onsite or virtual settings. The materials allow for customization and integrating state and local information and resources.

    The online trainer resource center includes multiple versions of the training PowerPoint presentation, complete presenter script, attendee surveys, polls, breakout activities, handouts, attendee certificates, media, and more.

Next Step > Contact Us

Please contact us prior to purchase. This will give us the opportunity to answer your questions, review customization options for your community, discuss multi-program discounts, and provide a quote.

Call 844.554.3354, ext 4 for more information. Or click the button below to send us a message.

Additional Programming for Your Community

Youth Opioid Prevention and Family Support Programs