The CRAFT Model
An evidence-based, compassionate, and effective approach for engaging a reluctant loved one into treatment.
The CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) program is a compassionate, nonconfrontational evidence-based intervention that helps family and friends develop effective strategies for helping their loved one who is struggling with a substance use disorder and for feeling better themselves.
Drs. Robert J. Meyers and Jane Ellen Smith of the University of New Mexico developed the CRAFT program to teach families how to impact their loved one while avoiding both detachment and confrontation. While other treatment approaches call for either confronting or detaching from a loved one affected by substance us, CRAFT shows how to change one's interactions with the loved one to reduce or stop their substance use and encourage the person to move toward getting help.
The in-person or virtual 12-session CRAFT program teaches family and friends new skills in rapport building, positive reinforcement, communication, and problem solving, motivation techniques, how to analyze substance use patterns, how and when to intervene, safety precautions and more.
Family / Social Connections, KEY for Recovery
An important factor in the recovery process is the presence and involvement of people who believe in the person’s ability to recover; who offer hope, support, and encouragement; and who also suggest strategies and resources for change. Family members and other allies form vital support networks.
Recovery capital is the breadth and depth of internal and external resources that can be drawn upon to initiate and sustain recovery (Granfield & Cloud, 1999; Cloud & Granfield)
Most clients with severely depleted family and community recovery capital gain little from individually-focused addiction treatment that fails to mobilize family and community resources (Moos & Moos, 2007).
CRAFT Builds Family and Social Recovery Capital
Recovery capital can help encourage the individual to seek treatment, maintain / stay engaged in treatment, sustain recovery and reduce the risks of returning to use by increasing a person’s support system.
CRAFT Three Main Goals
Reduce the affected loved one's harmful substance use
Engage the loved one into treatment
Improve the family member and loved one's family functioning
CRAFT Facilitator Training $1050/person
CRAFT facilitator training includes
Three prerequisite online, self-paced courses, approximately 5 hours.
CRAFT training (virtual), approximately 10-12 hours.
Facilitator Guide, CRAFT Workbook, and Getting Your Loved One Sober book
Access to Facilitator Resource Center, Program Materials, and Technical Support
Next Step > Contact Us
When you're ready, contact us: Fill out the form, email us or call 844.554.3354, ext 4 for more information.
Additional Budget Considerations: Plan within your budget for group attendee materials. Each attendee receives a copy of the Get Your Loved One Sober
book ($12-16) and Workbook ($7-12/person based upon print quantity).
Facilitator Training Process
Register: You will be asked to register as a trainer/facilitator of the program.
Prerequisites: You will complete the Brian and the Disease of Addiction, the Removing the Shame and Stigma of SUD and CRAFT Introduction prerequisite online course as the first part of your training process.
Program Training: Then you will complete a 2-day interactive training (approximately 10 hours). Virtual via Zoom with breaks for lunch.
Resource Center: Access to the Trainer Resource Center and program materials.
CRAFT Family Support Program
Become a Certified Facilitator