Meets the MATE Act Training Requirements

Highly Recommended by 87% of the People Who Have Taken the Course

Course Description

The Opioid Public Health Crisis began in 1999 and continues more than two decades later.  The American toll from the health crisis is large. Between 1999 and 2022, drug overdoses have killed nearly 1.2 million Americans. That number exceeds the number of U.S. service members who have died in battle in all wars fought by the United States.

The Opioid Public Health Crisis (OPHC) course will provide you with foundational knowledge on this nationwide health crisis, the historical trends and current conditions and the solutions and actions to take to mitigate and reduce the health crisis effects. 

DEA Prescriber Requirements MATE Act Training Requirements

The Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act requires new or renewing DEA licensees to complete 8 hours of addiction continuing education.

The required 8 hours can be satisfied through a combination of courses or activites.

The Opioid Public Health Crisis on-demand online course meets the MATE Act training content requirements, delivering 3 of the 8 credit hours required.

3.0 CE Credits - delivered upon 100% course completion, achievement of 80% (minimum) passing grade on the final exam, and completing the course ending survey.

Download Overview: Opioid-Public-Health-Crisis-MATE-Act-Training.pdf

What You Will Learn

At the completion of the course, you will be able to

  • Discuss the opioid public health crisis - historical, current conditions, and trends.

  • Explain how the health crisis developed, the contributors and risk factors.

  • Identify the multi-faceted solutions model that states, and communities are applying to reduce the effects of the health crisis and the actions an individual / professional can take to improve the outcomes.

Course CE Credits and Certificate Program

In partnership with Purdue University College of Pharmacy, Office of Continuing Education, Overdose Lifeline has developed layperson and clinician CE courses and Certificate Program on Addiction / Substance Use Disorder with an Opioid Specialization.

The course and the certificate program are structured to support the educational needs of nursing professionals. An individual may pursue individual course CE credits or complete the entire Certificate Program (20 credits). 

CE Accreditation Statement:

Purdue University Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

This activity is approved for 3.0 contact hours.

DEA MATE Act:  Provides 3.0 of the 8.0 credit hours required.

Release Date:  12/06/2019

Expiration Date:  04/15/2025

Take Online Courses from Anywhere

Completing when it is convenient for you.

  • Video-based Online Learning

  • Highly Rated: 4.72 Rating. 88% Would Recommend.

  • On Your Schedule — At Your Own Pace

  • Progress is Tracked So You Can Pick Up Where You Left Off

  • Gain Knowledge or Fulfill Educational or Professional Requirements

  • Certificate Delivered Upon Successful Course Completion

What People Are Saying

Opioid Public Health Crisis Course

"I learned a lot about what contributed to the Opioid Epidemic. I was unfamiliar with statistics that related to the overdose epidemic and they are staggering. I also appreciated learning how Naloxone works in the body and how it reverses effects of an overdose."

"As a public health educator, this course gave me a fantastic overall view of addiction, the opioid crisis (both historically and currently), and how to help."

"I now have a better understanding of efforts the community and I personally can take to help with the opioid and overdose epidemic."

Course Reviewer

The course material has been reviewed by subject matter expert: Brad Ray, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Additional Course Notes

  • The course may be accessed from a computer, tablet or mobile device. Internet access is required as are speakers for audio.

  • The following web browsers are supported: Desktop - Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Edge. Note the course platform does not support Internet Explorer. Mobile - iOS Safari: 11 and up, Chrome, Samsung Internet.

  • The course will remain available in your account for six months - allowing you to complete the course at your own pace and return to the course later for review of key concepts.

  • All faculty, staff and reviewers involved in the planning, review or presentation of continuing education activities provided by Purdue University College of Pharmacy are required to disclose to the audience any commercial financial affiliations with ineligible companies related to the content of the presentation or enduring material. All planning committee members, writers, staff and reviewers of Overdose Lifeline and Purdue University have no relationships to disclose.